
Day 4

There's something you love to do; some hobby or pastime. It rejuvenates you, puts you in your happy place or makes you peaceful. Write about what that is. And also realize this is something God gave to you as a gift to put gas in your tank. Also write about how you will be intentional about including that in your schedule. Dance, I loved dancing. I miss being in class with others doing what we all loved, secretly competing to be the most flexible or best jumps. And let's face it, I miss having that dancer bod. Now, I wasn't the best at dancing, but I enjoyed every moment. Learning a new routine or even choreographing a new routine as I got older. I also miss teaching dance. Seeing the little dancers' faces light up when they do a step correctly. I have no idea how I'll include this in my daily life. Maybe I'll start teaching my son a few tap steps or something. Hmmmm

Day 3

If you have children, which one is most like you? Write about a story that demonstrates that. If you don't have children, then who did you take after the most in your family growing up? Tell a story to show the similarities Journaling: Daily Prompt Well, we only have 1 child and he definitely takes after me in the looks department. He has blue eyes, dark blonde hair. He acts like his father, though. At least that's what my mother-in-law says. I look like my mom, but I'm most like my dad. We can say awkward things, we are friendly (well, my mom is too), and we have never met a stranger. Oh and people like to pick on us, it's really weird. 

Day 2

Tell a story about your favorite quote and the situation you were in when it helped you so much. Once again, this is from  Journaling: Daily Prompts   So, this was on our way home from summer camp. We were in a horrible storm. My friend, Melody, introduced me to a Bible Verse: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You" Psalm 56:3. We chanted this verse until the storm had passed. I have a bit of anxiety so I have used this verse for the past 20 years. 

Day 1

Good evening all! I wanted to start a daily journal blog. I found a Facebook that posts daily (well, nightly) writing prompts so I thought it would be neat to post my answers. Here's her facebook page:  Journaling: Daily Prompts Today's Prompt: Write what you imagine your life like 5 years from now....include significant relationships & how they look, job state, financial situation and whatever else you imagine! So, 5 years from now...let's see...I'll be 39! Yikes!!! My hubby will be 41, so hopefully I gave him an awesome 40th birthday gift the year earlier....And my son will be 7.5! Wow, time flew is probably my first thought. He'll be in 1st or 2nd grade depending if I end up late starting him or not. So, what do I think will be going on with me? Maybe fulltime substituting again or a teaching job? I would LOVE a teaching job. Anywho, If not either of those, I'll be busy volunteering for Travis' teacher, going on field trips, and keeping the hous